Introducing the Tokamak Times, Commonwealth Fusion Systems’ new blog

The world needs to understand fusion energy better. At Commonwealth Fusions Systems, we’re determined to help make that happen.
Back when CFS was founded in 2018 as an MIT spinoff, the company was a handful of researchers with some big plans to bring fusion energy power plants to the grid. Now we’re hundreds of employees working on all aspects of building our first fusion machine, the SPARC tokamak. Our team has grown from plasma physicists and engineers to include welders, computer scientists, policy experts, safety officers, and many more.
That growth means we also have a much bigger, broader, and deeper story to tell. And that’s why we’ve launched our blog: the Tokamak Times.
The goal is to inform anyone who’s following the fusion industry — environmentalists, policymakers, journalists, energy industry staff, investors, analysts, academics, students, and the general public. As fusion becomes a mainstream idea and arrives on the power grid, you’ll want to know about it and what CFS is doing to make it happen.
We’ll publish some announcements here so you can track what’s up with our push to complete our first fusion machine, SPARC, which will cross the key threshold of net energy generation in 2027. Look here, too, for news of our efforts to put fusion power onto the grid in the early 2030s with SPARC’s successors, the ARC power plants. For the curious, we’ll also explain more about fusion energy and our high-temperature superconductor approach to making it happen. We’ll offer Q&As with experts. We’ll show how CFS and fusion energy fit into the broader energy landscape. And we’ll be sharing photos and videos of our work, because frankly we have some pretty spectacular hardware — and a pretty spectacular team.
For a taste of the plan, check some of our early posts:
I’m a former science and technology journalist, and when I was writing about fusion energy, I was frustrated at how hard it was to go one level deeper than the press releases and social media posts. With this blog, we aim to satisfy those who want to dig a little deeper.
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